2023年09月17日 (日)
Genmono2 Excitement!

We're now mostly through September! Whoa, how time flies. Days are now hitting high teens in the daytime and mid-single digits in the evening... South Canada wastes no time getting into fall.
Now into the fun stuff: I'm getting really close to my first goal I had when I began playing genmono2! I really wanted to grab myself a mythical beast in the game that's called Deep Ravine Vampire Vlad (幽谷の吸血鬼ヴラド). I've had the evolution item for a looong while thanks to a really cool person (The community is so nice!!), but I didn't want JUST Vlad... I wanted an OP as fuck Vlad. So I've been reincarnating my first beast a ton in order to make it really powerful- and I'm almost done! I'm finally close to the maximum amount of reincarnations! Just about halfway through the 7th round, though I'm unsure how much I'll be able to contain my excitement so that I don't immediately do the 8th once it reaches level 100 lmao
Maybe I should. Idk
BTW, this is the Vlad design!

After that, my next goal is to get 2 more of his evo item so I can max his level cap... Annoying since the item is kind of expensive GM-wise, but IT'LL BE WORTH IT IN THE END... I'M SURE...

I'm also halfway to getting a third mythical beast!! So excited.... I'm not sure which design I want to go with for it...
My second monster is currently my dungeon crawler with a high luck stat for getting the most items while out- its design is this!
I'm almost tempted to keep it like this for good... full luck beasts don't really need to be reincarnated at all.
Anyway, thank you for reading! I think that's it for this journal entry. All I did was talk about genmono2...