(Character Name)'s Icon
Browbird . . 25
Celestial Seas ML
A browbird that's both an aspiring novelist and.... an aspiring Vampire?

Lance is invested in all things ancient- and he's determined to make himself part of it, literally!!

Most people would call Lance weird- and they'd be right! But there are some pretty strange Browbirds out there in the galaxy, so he's most definitely not the weirdest by any stretch.
Unsurprisingly, Lance is as insecure about himself as he is obsessed with being unique and interesting- which manifests in trying to convince everyone that he's a vampire. He's a sad guy with an unfortunate past, so his friends just humour him and go along with it, hoping eventually he'll admit to them that he's not actually one. He has yet to, because he's extremely worried that if he comes clean, all his friends will leave him alone once more (not true)....
In order to reach his dream, he's taken to travelling around space looking for planets with relics or ruins that have revenant, ancient, or halv artifacts inside. He's hoping to find information on how to become one, one of these days!
Little does he know... becoming a revenant vampire isn't everything he bargained for, and comes with more cons than pros...
Lance currently lives with his boyfriend and fellow Browbird, Coriander, and their strange Halv buddy, Fenrir.
  • Vampires
  • Writing
  • Cori
  • Overcast Days
  • Bright hot days
  • Showing others his writing
  • Being questioned
  • Giving up
  • His aspects are Blood, Perception, and Arcane.
  • Has an affinity to winter, loves halloween celebrations though
  • His horns and claws have blood supplies that can be seen through the whites!
  • One of his eyes has a black sclera and white pupil while the other is the opposite. They're just like that, nothing's wrong with his vision.
  • Icon art by yukipan on TH!