Rozé's Icon
Painted Satyr . . 25

Celestial Seas ML
A spunky and self-confident Painted Satyr that acts incredibly independent. Takes advantage of lonely older men for their money in exchange for (SFW) companionship.

A little guy with a big presence. Rozé is not a Satyr you want to cause issues with, as he has connections everywhere... you'd be surprised how many powerful people pay him for his companionship, for evenings where he pretends to be interested in them for their money. If you're giving him an extra bad time, he knows a family of literal vampires that have no qualms making you disappear! Forever.
His job is lucrative and he's never without a good sum of money- and even when he isn't, he can just ask one of his paypigs for some extra. Rozé's boyfriend, Sevii, knows of what he does and doesn't really mind it, since he knows the Satyr's heart is only his <3 because he tells him frequently.
  • Sevii
  • Peaches
  • Pink items
  • Money
  • Rowdy guys
  • Losers
  • Sour food
  • Cold weather
  • Loves the vampire he knows like they were his own. His best friend, Amaranth, is the daughter of said family.
  • Really likes cute pink things, and keeps them on a bookshelf in his house. Sevii buys him pink souvenirs when he comes back from space trips!
  • Has an affinity for cats.
  • Icon by Yukipan on TH!