I'm in pretty doll hell! help!!
What is a "BJD"?
BJD is short for "Ball-Jointed Doll", a type of resin doll that contains ball-and-socket joints, strung together with a strong set of elastic strings.
There are many small companies and studios of artists that create and sell made-to-order BJDs for the general public to order- sometimes as a permanent part of their catalogue and sometimes for limited times. There are a few you can even ask for custom dolls!
Most even offer what's called fullsets where you get (usually) the same paint and clothing used in company photos of the doll you're ordering, so you don't have to worry about dressing them up when they get to you.
Honestly, all of my dolls I got with just the faceup, with me buying the clothes separately- but quite a few people order blank dolls to customize how they see fit!
Each doll takes months to create, but you'll always be rest assured that the work will be of quality finish and a true work of art!

How does one get a bjd?
That's a good question! There are several methods, and some to avoid.
Let's start with the proper methods first. You can order from companies in one of two ways:
- Direct through their site/shop online (TaoBao has a lot of legit BJD makers on it)
- Through a reputable dealer.
Examples of reputable dealers include Alice's Collection (personal favourite), Legenddoll, Dolkus, and NewClover Singing. These are the ones I myself have used, there are more out there.

Now, for the places you should beware of...
You ever hear the motto, "If it seems too good to be true, it probably is"? This is especially true for BJD, as there is unfortunately a huuuuge bootleg market. At ANY COST, unless vouched for by a reputable source, do NOT buy from places like Amazon, Ebay, or Aliexpress. All 3 are recast hells.
Etsy is great for clothes but don't buy full dolls from there either.
Also, avoid a site called BJD Shop- they do nothing but make recasts of popular dolls.
Don't let the recasters win!! Support actual artists!!
Btw, for pointers on where to buy BJDs on the lower end of the cash amount (dolls can get EXPENSIVE), check out this guide by Asenva!

Can we see your BJDs?
Of course! In terms of BJD I have...
- Aimerai Don ~StarGazer - Kagami!
- Luts Model Delf Diez - Zero
- DollFamily-H Takumi Kazama - Lotos
- Custom Volks Dollfie Dream - Vane
- Aimerai Kiriya - Orion
- Birdcube Fuguir - Alucard
Someday I will take prettier pictures in actual scenic places and not just my room.... someday...